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An Evening with Dr. Jane Goodall

When I am ninety years old, I want to look back on my life with the same amount of grace, wisdom, and humor as Dr. Jane Goodall does. The famed primatologist spoke in Atlanta this past Wednesday night, not only about her pioneering work with chimpanzees in East Africa, but

An Evening with Dr. Jane Goodall
Members Public

Dancing Flamenco with Julie Galle Baggenstoss

"We are not strippers. We do not dance to mariachi or salsa music."

Dancing Flamenco with Julie Galle Baggenstoss
Members Public

Banking on It

On the little things that make big differences and more...

Banking on It
Members Public

The Dragon from Chicago

Big bravery edition, starring female war correspondents and a seven-months pregnant fencer.

The Dragon from Chicago