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Planetary Alignment 2.0

"We think we understand the rules when we become adults but what we really experience is a narrowing of the imagination." -- David Lynch

Planetary Alignment 2.0
Members Public

Cross My Heart, Megan Collins is a Masterful Thriller Writer

Every time I sit down to write another, I’m like, “Wait a minute, how do you write a thriller again?” --Megan Collins

Cross My Heart, Megan Collins is a Masterful Thriller Writer
Members Public

The Dragon from Chicago

Big bravery edition, starring female war correspondents and a seven-months pregnant fencer.

The Dragon from Chicago
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The Things We Tell Ourselves

A helpful old man, an update on the Seine, and a call for your favorite books right now.

The Things We Tell Ourselves
Members Public

In Praise of Dilly-Dallying

Here's to taking your sweet time, old Cockney tunes, growing old (and getting cooler), and other goodness.

In Praise of Dilly-Dallying