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mental health

Members Public

Time and Space

We live in noisy times where there are a lot of demands on our time and attention.

Time and Space
Members Public

A Change of Scene

"Butterflies are nature's angels. They remind us what a gift it is to be alive."

A Change of Scene
Members Public

Planetary Alignment (or lack thereof)

Planets, presidents, and gongs.

Planetary Alignment (or lack thereof)
Members Public


"We need to be our most giant selves; to think our most giant thoughts; express ourselves in the biggest way possible, and give ourselves permission to be GIANTS." -- Alicia Keys

Members Public

The Things We Tell Ourselves

A helpful old man, an update on the Seine, and a call for your favorite books right now.

The Things We Tell Ourselves
Members Public

"Is it too much to ask?"

Speaking your mind, minding your manners, and other odds and ends.

"Is it too much to ask?"