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Things That Go Bump in the Night

Nobody knows what is going to happen to him from one moment to the next, or how one will bear it. -- James Baldwin

Paige Bowers
Paige Bowers
3 min read
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Photo by Stefano Pollio / Unsplash

Meditations on the week that was a little too full of breaking news for yours truly.


Hello and welcome to the end of another week. How are you? No, really.

I've changed my mind on what to say here about eleventy billion times and pondered giving your inbox a week off. Because as I sat composing last week's note, there was some breaking news that I missed real-time but don't want to rehash (ed note: it happened in an oval-shaped room), because I want to make this a calm space full of things that will get us into a good and creative headspace. But upon hearing the news in question, and then the continued glut of news that wasn't even related to it throughout the course of this week, I wondered what I could tell you that would be helpful, useful, entertaining. Who knew how the week would continue to unfold, after all? All I knew was that it looked bad, and chaotic and dystopian. Yes, I've been anxious this week.

Long, long ago, when I was a wee Paige, I remember visiting my aunt and uncle in New Orleans. They had this creepy, skeletal sculpture in their dining room that used to terrify me. Even when I wasn't at their house, I used to think about it and get scared, because you had to go through the dining room to get to other parts of the house. You simply couldn't avoid the damned thing. So I would wear myself out just thinking about how I was going to survive a visit before I even got there. And then day, my uncle decided it might help to plop a top hat over the sculpture's face. Somehow that was enough to chill me out.

This week I've been trying to figure out how to plop a top hat over the news in a way so that I can know it's there, but it's not as overwhelming to me. Tuesday night I went to see Gary Clark Jr. in concert and he was so, SO good. I highly recommend seeing him live if he's coming to a town near you, or downloading some of his music if he's not. It's such a tonic. And, of course, there is the fact that he is this epically cool dude who seems to have emerged from the tumbleweeds to dazzle you with his fusion of blues/rock/soul. You need that in your life.

The next night, I went with my friend Michelle to see the one-night-only re-release of "Purple Rain." This was A++ decision making on our part. I can't speak for her, but I have been grinning ear-to-ear ever since. Maybe we all need to purify ourselves in the waters of Lake Minnetonka right now (Google it if you don't know what I'm talking about) so that we can keep going, keep creating, keep showing up for each other. That's what's going to get us through this.

Thank you for being here. I appreciate you so much.



Writing prompt: Talk about your relationship with uncertainty, for better or for worse. How do you cope with unknowns? Do they excite you, or frighten you? What are some ways in which you could relate to the big question marks of life better?

"Most of us, no matter what we say, are walking in the dark, whistling in the dark. Nobody knows what is going to happen to him from one moment to the next, or how one will bear it."
– James Baldwin


What I'm listening to: Singer Danielle Ponder, who opened for Gary Clark Jr. here in Atlanta this past Tuesday night. Man, oh man, can she sing! She's also plucky: Ponder quit her job as a public defender just shy of her 40th birthday so she could sing full time. That was three years ago, and here's hoping she never, ever has to practice law again.

What I'm looking forward to: Maybe Atlanta United on Saturday, but we'll see. Win or lose, at least I'll be there with friends. Talking to a podcaster next week about what we all can learn from Genevieve de Gaulle, the subject of my first book, The General's Niece.

What I'm watching: My tendency to doomscroll. What are some things you're enjoying right now (shows, movies, music, hobbies, etc...) that are helping you through this moment we're in? Hit reply and let me know.

What I'm appreciating: Nick Mele's photography. He's the Slim Aarons of our moment and I absolutely love the pictures he took to accompany a lighthearted little piece I wrote about a 100-year-old dog rescue. He's so, SO good.

Where I hope you'll donate this week: United24 is the official fundraising platform of Ukraine, which needs international support in its fight against the Russian forces that invaded it three years ago. Among its needs are armored evacuation vehicles, rebuilt school and residential buildings, and medical supplies. One hundred percent of your donation goes to what the country needs most, so please consider a one-time, or recurring gift. Thank you.

atlantaartcreativitydilly-dallyfreelance writerprincegary clark jrdanielle pondernick melephotographyatlanta unitedthe generals niece

Paige Bowers

Paige Bowers is a journalist and the author of two biographies about bold, barrier-breaking women in history.


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