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This week is a mini letter about seeking, and hopefully finding.

Paige Bowers
Paige Bowers
2 min read
Photo by Paige Bowers

This week I took a beautiful walk by myself along a gently flowing river. The weather was cool, and a little bit drizzly, so I zipped up the new (and not-so-waterproof) windbreaker I bought and enjoyed the peace and quiet. You can always dry off, after all. That's the easy part. I find the harder part is to buy yourself that time to clear your head of the many little anxious thoughts that get in the way of you living your best life, as Oprah Winfrey might say. Did the stroll solve everything? No. But it did reconnect me with a practice I've fallen away from (ed note: that's on me) in recent months.

Maybe this week's mini letter is part essay, part writing prompt, part catalyst for conversation amongst ourselves about how we're all doing right now, and where we seek answers or signs when things seem confusing, hard, horrible, or just simply a lot. Is it your faith? Is it bibliomancy (I haven't forgotten I still owe a couple of you handmade books. I swear they're coming)? Or is it a chat with a friend, or a trusted mentor? How do you make sense of things that make no damned sense? What is it that brings you comfort? Hit reply to this and please let me know.

As for me, I'm okay. I promise. But the quiet has me thinking about how you might be right now. I'm grateful to each of you for tuning in each week and grateful to those of you who've said this weekly missive brings you some form of joy. Again, I don't take your being here with me lightly. So thank you.

And as a gift to you, I present to you a sign I found on another rainy walk. This one? A double rainbow, which can only mean good luck and new beginnings are up ahead.

Photo by Paige Bowers


What I'm grateful for: A profile I wrote about Luis Arraez is up for a Folio award. In case you missed it, here it is. Winners will be announced October 22. When I told Arraez about it this week, he said "I hope we win."

Something I've written: This Palm Beach Illustrated cover story on three amazing women who are education innovators in South Florida. Gabrielle McGee and I talked for a good bit about our shared love of dolphins (this was before the news), Jacques Cousteau, Sylvia Earle and all things undersea.

Where I hope you'll donate this week: This week I don't feel like bossing you around. Next week, I will. In the meantime, pick a cause that's important to you, something like, oh I don't know, The Badger Trust, and give what you can.

Paige Bowers

Paige Bowers is a journalist and the author of two biographies about bold, barrier-breaking women in history.
